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Even Pigment Perfector Daily Body Lotion

0 تعليقات
Even skin and dark spot reduction
Intense hydration
Fresh looking skin

More even and radiant skin, hydrated all day long

لوشن مضاد للتصبغات ومُختبر سريريًا، يوحّد لون البشرة ويُضيئها بفعالية ليمنحك بشرة أكثر ترطيبًا وإشراقًا وتجانسًا. يحتوي على الثياميدول® الذي يقلل البقع الداكنة ويُضيء لون البشرة. يوفر حمض الهيالورونيك ترطيبًا يدوم طويلاً وملمسًا ناعمًا للبشرة. ويُضفي ليكوكالكون A، بفضل خصائصه المضادة للأكسدة، مظهراً أكثر انتعاشًا للبشرة.


Eucerin Anti-Pigment Daily Body Lotion Melanin is a natural pigment that gives colour to skin. Exposure to sunlight, hormonal influences and ageing can cause an increase in melanin production and trigger hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation appears as dark patches and age spots (also known as sun spots) that make skin look uneven.  Eucerin Anti-Pigment Daily Body Lotion combines powerful active ingredients that work in different ways to promote your skin’s radiance and reduce hyperpigmentation at the source by effectively reducing the appearance of dark spots large areas of pigmentation and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Thiamidol is an effective and patented ingredient that acts at the root cause of hyperpigmentation is clinically proven to reduce hyperpigmentation, preventing its reappearance with regular usage. Patented by Eucerin.    Hyaluronic Acid is one of our skin’s most effective moisturising substances that helps skin to attract and retain moisture to ensure your skin can have the hydration and moisture it needs to achieve a beautiful glow.  Antioxidant Licochalcone A is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing ingredient. The lotion is clinically and dermatologically proven to reduce pigment spots for more even and radiant skin, and hydrate skin all day long so it’s smooth to the touch. First results are visible after two weeks and improve continuously with regular use.

الدراسات السريرية و الجلدية

Clinical and dermatological studies prove very good tolerability and efficacy on all skin types.

النتائج الرئيسية


Effectively reduces dark spots and discolorations​


Brightens dull skin​


Leaves my skin radiant​


Provides fresh looking skin​


No sticky feeling ​


Silky smooth skin feeling​

A Product in Use (PiU) study was conducted with 132 women. They reported the following results after using the product regularly for four weeks:


منتجات ذات صلة